In this section you can find videos of some conferences in which I have been speaker.

Bayesian Voice Emotion Detection Applied to Robotics

Conference: BigThings

Language: Spanish

Link to the description of the talk

Teaching a robot Guess Who? From Deep Learning to Brain Spikes

Conference: Big Data Spain

Language: English

Link to the description of the talk

Attacking Machine Learning used in AntiVirus with Reinforcement Learning

Conference: Big Data Spain

Language: English

Link to the description of the talk

Deep Learning aplicado a Robótica: Construye tu propio Bender

Description: In this talk given in the Google Campus Madrid, I showed how to combine Deep Learning Models with Robot Operating System (ROS) using the Kobuki robot.

Language: Spanish

Fraud detection using machine learning & deep learning CyberCamp (INCIBE)

Conference: Cybercamp

Description: In this talk given in the CyberCamp Conference organized by INCIBE (Instituto Nacional de Ciberseguridad), I showed how to use Deep Learning models to detect bank transaction fraud.

Language: Spanish

Predicción de crímenes con Apache Spark - CyberCamp (INCIBE)

Conference: Cybercamp

Description: In this talk given in the CyberCamp Conference organized by INCIBE (Instituto Nacional de Ciberseguridad), I showed how to use ML models with Apache Spark to predict crimes.

Language: Spanish