We want to measure the effect of smoking cessation on weight gain using the National Health and Nutrition Examionation Survey Epidemiologic Followup Study (NHEFS) dataset. This study was driven for 11 years (1971-1982). Each subject was weighted twice. The first one was at the begining of the experiment (1971) and the second one, at the end of this experiment in 1982.

Import libraries

import pandas as pd
from causalinference import CausalModel
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib as plt
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)

Load data

data = pd.read_csv("https://cdn1.sph.harvard.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1268/1268/20/nhefs.csv")

Exploratory Data Analysis

Index(['seqn', 'qsmk', 'death', 'yrdth', 'modth', 'dadth', 'sbp', 'dbp', 'sex',
       'age', 'race', 'income', 'marital', 'school', 'education', 'ht', 'wt71',
       'wt82', 'wt82_71', 'birthplace', 'smokeintensity', 'smkintensity82_71',
       'smokeyrs', 'asthma', 'bronch', 'tb', 'hf', 'hbp', 'pepticulcer',
       'colitis', 'hepatitis', 'chroniccough', 'hayfever', 'diabetes', 'polio',
       'tumor', 'nervousbreak', 'alcoholpy', 'alcoholfreq', 'alcoholtype',
       'alcoholhowmuch', 'pica', 'headache', 'otherpain', 'weakheart',
       'allergies', 'nerves', 'lackpep', 'hbpmed', 'boweltrouble', 'wtloss',
       'infection', 'active', 'exercise', 'birthcontrol', 'pregnancies',
       'cholesterol', 'hightax82', 'price71', 'price82', 'tax71', 'tax82',
       'price71_82', 'tax71_82'],
(1629, 64)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 1629 entries, 0 to 1628
Data columns (total 64 columns):
 #   Column             Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------             --------------  -----  
 0   seqn               1629 non-null   int64  
 1   qsmk               1629 non-null   int64  
 2   death              1629 non-null   int64  
 3   yrdth              318 non-null    float64
 4   modth              322 non-null    float64
 5   dadth              322 non-null    float64
 6   sbp                1552 non-null   float64
 7   dbp                1548 non-null   float64
 8   sex                1629 non-null   int64  
 9   age                1629 non-null   int64  
 10  race               1629 non-null   int64  
 11  income             1567 non-null   float64
 12  marital            1629 non-null   int64  
 13  school             1629 non-null   int64  
 14  education          1629 non-null   int64  
 15  ht                 1629 non-null   float64
 16  wt71               1629 non-null   float64
 17  wt82               1566 non-null   float64
 18  wt82_71            1566 non-null   float64
 19  birthplace         1537 non-null   float64
 20  smokeintensity     1629 non-null   int64  
 21  smkintensity82_71  1629 non-null   int64  
 22  smokeyrs           1629 non-null   int64  
 23  asthma             1629 non-null   int64  
 24  bronch             1629 non-null   int64  
 25  tb                 1629 non-null   int64  
 26  hf                 1629 non-null   int64  
 27  hbp                1629 non-null   int64  
 28  pepticulcer        1629 non-null   int64  
 29  colitis            1629 non-null   int64  
 30  hepatitis          1629 non-null   int64  
 31  chroniccough       1629 non-null   int64  
 32  hayfever           1629 non-null   int64  
 33  diabetes           1629 non-null   int64  
 34  polio              1629 non-null   int64  
 35  tumor              1629 non-null   int64  
 36  nervousbreak       1629 non-null   int64  
 37  alcoholpy          1629 non-null   int64  
 38  alcoholfreq        1629 non-null   int64  
 39  alcoholtype        1629 non-null   int64  
 40  alcoholhowmuch     1212 non-null   float64
 41  pica               1629 non-null   int64  
 42  headache           1629 non-null   int64  
 43  otherpain          1629 non-null   int64  
 44  weakheart          1629 non-null   int64  
 45  allergies          1629 non-null   int64  
 46  nerves             1629 non-null   int64  
 47  lackpep            1629 non-null   int64  
 48  hbpmed             1629 non-null   int64  
 49  boweltrouble       1629 non-null   int64  
 50  wtloss             1629 non-null   int64  
 51  infection          1629 non-null   int64  
 52  active             1629 non-null   int64  
 53  exercise           1629 non-null   int64  
 54  birthcontrol       1629 non-null   int64  
 55  pregnancies        726 non-null    float64
 56  cholesterol        1613 non-null   float64
 57  hightax82          1537 non-null   float64
 58  price71            1537 non-null   float64
 59  price82            1537 non-null   float64
 60  tax71              1537 non-null   float64
 61  tax82              1537 non-null   float64
 62  price71_82         1537 non-null   float64
 63  tax71_82           1537 non-null   float64
dtypes: float64(21), int64(43)
memory usage: 814.6 KB
seqn qsmk death yrdth modth dadth sbp dbp sex age race income marital school education ht wt71 wt82 wt82_71 birthplace smokeintensity smkintensity82_71 smokeyrs asthma bronch tb hf hbp pepticulcer colitis hepatitis chroniccough hayfever diabetes polio tumor nervousbreak alcoholpy alcoholfreq alcoholtype alcoholhowmuch pica headache otherpain weakheart allergies nerves lackpep hbpmed boweltrouble wtloss infection active exercise birthcontrol pregnancies cholesterol hightax82 price71 price82 tax71 tax82 price71_82 tax71_82
0 233 0 0 NaN NaN NaN 175.0 96.0 0 42 1 19.0 2 7 1 174.1875 79.04 68.946040 -10.093960 47.0 30 -10 29 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 3 7.0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 2 NaN 197.0 0.0 2.183594 1.739990 1.102295 0.461975 0.443787 0.640381
1 235 0 0 NaN NaN NaN 123.0 80.0 0 36 0 18.0 2 9 2 159.3750 58.63 61.234970 2.604970 42.0 20 -10 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 4.0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 NaN 301.0 0.0 2.346680 1.797363 1.364990 0.571899 0.549316 0.792969
2 244 0 0 NaN NaN NaN 115.0 75.0 1 56 1 15.0 3 11 2 168.5000 56.81 66.224486 9.414486 51.0 20 -14 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 3 4 NaN 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2.0 157.0 0.0 1.569580 1.513428 0.551270 0.230988 0.056198 0.320251
3 245 0 1 85.0 2.0 14.0 148.0 78.0 0 68 1 15.0 3 5 1 170.1875 59.42 64.410117 4.990117 37.0 3 4 53 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4.0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 NaN 174.0 0.0 1.506592 1.451904 0.524902 0.219971 0.054794 0.304993
4 252 0 0 NaN NaN NaN 118.0 77.0 0 40 0 18.0 2 11 2 181.8750 87.09 92.079251 4.989251 42.0 20 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 2.0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 2 NaN 216.0 0.0 2.346680 1.797363 1.364990 0.571899 0.549316 0.792969
seqn qsmk death yrdth modth dadth sbp dbp sex age race income marital school education ht wt71 wt82 wt82_71 birthplace smokeintensity smkintensity82_71 smokeyrs asthma bronch tb hf hbp pepticulcer colitis hepatitis chroniccough hayfever diabetes polio tumor nervousbreak alcoholpy alcoholfreq alcoholtype alcoholhowmuch pica headache otherpain weakheart allergies nerves lackpep hbpmed boweltrouble wtloss infection active exercise birthcontrol pregnancies cholesterol hightax82 price71 price82 tax71 tax82 price71_82 tax71_82
count 1629.000000 1629.000000 1629.000000 318.000000 322.000000 322.000000 1552.000000 1548.000000 1629.000000 1629.000000 1629.000000 1567.000000 1629.000000 1629.000000 1629.000000 1629.000000 1629.00000 1566.000000 1566.000000 1537.000000 1629.000000 1629.000000 1629.000000 1629.000000 1629.000000 1629.000000 1629.000000 1629.000000 1629.000000 1629.000000 1629.000000 1629.000000 1629.000000 1629.000000 1629.000000 1629.000000 1629.000000 1629.000000 1629.000000 1629.000000 1212.000000 1629.000000 1629.000000 1629.000000 1629.000000 1629.000000 1629.000000 1629.000000 1629.000000 1629.000000 1629.000000 1629.000000 1629.000000 1629.000000 1629.000000 726.00000 1613.000000 1537.000000 1537.000000 1537.000000 1537.000000 1537.000000 1537.000000 1537.000000
mean 16552.364641 0.262738 0.195212 87.569182 6.257764 15.872671 128.709407 77.744832 0.509515 43.915285 0.131983 17.947671 2.503376 11.135052 2.703499 168.740965 71.05213 73.469219 2.638300 31.595316 20.551258 -4.737876 24.871087 0.048496 0.085328 0.014119 0.004911 1.050952 0.103745 0.033763 0.017188 0.054021 0.089626 0.979742 0.014119 0.023327 0.028852 0.875998 1.920196 2.475752 3.287129 0.975445 0.629834 0.246163 0.022099 0.062001 0.144260 0.050952 1.005525 1.034991 0.025783 0.147944 0.651934 1.195212 1.084715 3.69146 219.973962 0.165908 2.138750 1.806095 1.058581 0.505983 0.332741 0.552614
std 7498.918195 0.440256 0.396485 2.659415 3.615304 8.905488 19.051560 10.634864 0.500063 12.170430 0.338576 2.663277 1.082367 3.089601 1.190098 9.053131 15.72959 16.158047 7.879913 14.500500 11.803754 13.741360 12.198072 0.214878 0.279456 0.118018 0.069928 0.958209 0.305023 0.180674 0.130013 0.226128 0.285732 0.995793 0.118018 0.150987 0.167442 0.338873 1.307140 1.208155 2.984695 0.997853 0.482997 0.430907 0.147052 0.241232 0.351461 0.219966 0.982947 0.967216 0.158535 0.355153 0.652742 0.739348 0.947747 2.20560 45.444202 0.372119 0.229016 0.130641 0.216229 0.111894 0.155045 0.150321
min 233.000000 0.000000 0.000000 83.000000 1.000000 1.000000 87.000000 47.000000 0.000000 25.000000 0.000000 11.000000 2.000000 0.000000 1.000000 142.875000 36.17000 35.380205 -41.280470 1.000000 1.000000 -80.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.00000 78.000000 0.000000 1.506592 1.451904 0.524902 0.219971 -0.202698 0.035995
25% 10607.000000 0.000000 0.000000 85.000000 3.000000 8.000000 116.000000 70.000000 0.000000 33.000000 0.000000 17.000000 2.000000 10.000000 2.000000 161.781250 59.65000 61.688562 -1.478399 22.000000 10.000000 -10.000000 15.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 2.00000 189.000000 0.000000 2.036621 1.739990 0.944946 0.439941 0.200989 0.460999
50% 20333.000000 0.000000 0.000000 88.000000 6.000000 15.500000 126.000000 77.000000 1.000000 44.000000 0.000000 19.000000 2.000000 12.000000 3.000000 168.281250 69.40000 72.121187 2.603811 34.000000 20.000000 -1.000000 24.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 2.000000 3.000000 2.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 3.00000 216.000000 0.000000 2.167969 1.814941 1.049805 0.505981 0.335999 0.543945
75% 22719.000000 1.000000 0.000000 90.000000 10.000000 24.000000 140.000000 85.000000 1.000000 53.000000 0.000000 20.000000 2.000000 12.000000 3.000000 175.375000 79.95000 83.460996 6.689581 42.000000 30.000000 1.000000 33.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 3.000000 4.000000 4.000000 2.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2.000000 2.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 2.000000 2.000000 5.00000 245.000000 0.000000 2.241699 1.867676 1.154785 0.571899 0.443787 0.621948
max 25061.000000 1.000000 1.000000 92.000000 12.000000 31.000000 229.000000 130.000000 1.000000 74.000000 1.000000 22.000000 8.000000 17.000000 5.000000 198.093750 169.19000 136.531303 48.538386 56.000000 80.000000 50.000000 64.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 5.000000 4.000000 48.000000 2.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 2.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 2.000000 2.000000 15.00000 416.000000 1.000000 2.692871 2.103027 1.522461 0.747925 0.612061 0.884399
seqn                    0
qsmk                    0
death                   0
yrdth                1311
modth                1307
dadth                1307
sbp                    77
dbp                    81
sex                     0
age                     0
race                    0
income                 62
marital                 0
school                  0
education               0
ht                      0
wt71                    0
wt82                   63
wt82_71                63
birthplace             92
smokeintensity          0
smkintensity82_71       0
smokeyrs                0
asthma                  0
bronch                  0
tb                      0
hf                      0
hbp                     0
pepticulcer             0
colitis                 0
hepatitis               0
chroniccough            0
hayfever                0
diabetes                0
polio                   0
tumor                   0
nervousbreak            0
alcoholpy               0
alcoholfreq             0
alcoholtype             0
alcoholhowmuch        417
pica                    0
headache                0
otherpain               0
weakheart               0
allergies               0
nerves                  0
lackpep                 0
hbpmed                  0
boweltrouble            0
wtloss                  0
infection               0
active                  0
exercise                0
birthcontrol            0
pregnancies           903
cholesterol            16
hightax82              92
price71                92
price82                92
tax71                  92
tax82                  92
price71_82             92
tax71_82               92
dtype: int64


We're going to remove people who haven't survived until the end of the experiment in 1982. We can check this fact testing if the field called 'wt82' has some value. It stands for the weight measured at 1982.

data = data.dropna(subset=['wt82'])
(1566, 64)

Covariates, Treatment and Outcome variables

From https://cdn1.sph.harvard.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1268/1268/20/hernanrobins_v2.17.21.pdf

Our goal is to estimate the average causal effect of smoking cessation (the treatment) A on weight gain (the outcome) Y. To do so, we will use data from 1566 cigarette smokers aged 25-74 years who, as part of the NHEFS, had a baseline visit and a follow-up visit about 10 years later.

  • The treatment variable (A) is qsmk (quit smoking). Individuals were classified as treated A=1 if they reported having quit smoking before the follow-up visit, and as untreated A=0 otherwise.
1     403
0    1163
Name: qsmk, dtype: int64
0    0.742656
1    0.257344
Name: qsmk, dtype: float64
A = data['qsmk']
  • The outcome variable (Y) is wt82_71 (the individual's body weight at the follow-up visit in 1982 minus the individual's body weight at the baseline visit in 1971).
 3.057111     3
-4.085807     2
 2.947008     2
 6.232155     2
 3.745454     2
-3.966775     2
 0.227008     2
-7.145221     2
 5.445556     2
-1.020851     2
 3.061378     2
 1.131187     2
-3.176877     2
 2.836231     2
 5.098855     2
-2.490851     2
 5.215747     2
 1.362932     2
 4.080894     2
 3.512741     2
-0.117450     2
 7.595161     2
 0.225072     2
-1.252112     2
-0.568138     2
-1.585221     2
 0.910703     2
 2.384486     2
-2.270265     2
 0.002932     2
 3.514970     2
-1.591819     2
 7.256333     2
 0.909149     2
 4.532932     2
-2.378916     2
 6.348078     2
 8.962932     2
 4.989530     2
-5.443667     2
 1.020703     2
 7.596333     2
-0.451144     2
 0.798078     2
 4.539823     2
 4.650410     2
-1.929297     2
-13.381335    2
-0.113183     2
 6.805072     2
 2.834105     2
 0.908856     2
 5.101964     2
 9.295366     2
 13.044779    2
-3.405412     1
 5.443327     1
 7.936817     1
 7.706817     1
 8.163900     1
 0.340410     1
 3.854486     1
-4.084737     1
 2.835659     1
 3.852932     1
 23.138078    1
 2.036627     1
-1.251438     1
 4.086231     1
 19.953914    1
-5.217259     1
 0.112741     1
-1.136100     1
 3.064970     1
-8.508622     1
-13.944737    1
 12.816143    1
 16.106436    1
 4.880117     1
 1.476040     1
 2.156333     1
 5.551773     1
-6.348813     1
 0.568474     1
-8.394928     1
 6.120410     1
 9.414295     1
 1.243123     1
 0.682639     1
 5.897888     1
 6.120894     1
 20.072946    1
 20.298474    1
-5.781144     1
 37.650512    1
-0.000367     1
-22.338241    1
 4.653606     1
 5.334002     1
 7.821773     1
 10.433034    1
 0.564193     1
 12.585570    1
 6.912550     1
 2.499442     1
 1.591671     1
-3.516673     1
-2.155323     1
 11.228665    1
-8.047640     1
 7.375747     1
-1.020954     1
 8.727301     1
 6.124398     1
 1.932448     1
-1.249590     1
-6.913285     1
 2.157888     1
 2.496245     1
-13.379883    1
 4.993225     1
-1.925705     1
 10.096627    1
 0.451876     1
 7.032843     1
-7.373285     1
 6.126715     1
-2.723960     1
 20.294588    1
-1.019297     1
 9.408181     1
 1.359926     1
 5.780996     1
-10.884546    1
 2.036715     1
 6.917506     1
 6.124105     1
-2.383080     1
 20.526538    1
-3.513183     1
 2.836143     1
-6.346966     1
-0.448697     1
 5.894779     1
-7.259209     1
 5.784779     1
 5.319544     1
-7.373183     1
 4.646920     1
-2.041438     1
 7.712741     1
-4.876291     1
 7.026040     1
-0.230367     1
-10.881922    1
 2.272741     1
 5.103327     1
 13.154588    1
-21.092215    1
 4.646817     1
 10.209633    1
 8.849339     1
 2.493811     1
-2.272112     1
 1.817008     1
 11.116627    1
 6.914193     1
 7.373811     1
 14.738181    1
 7.030512     1
-2.262992     1
 1.137976     1
 13.042257    1
-12.251540    1
 4.420600     1
 20.188181    1
 8.166040     1
 23.023137    1
 12.591671    1
 1.470894     1
 4.310117     1
-2.610177     1
 0.116231     1
-14.291438    1
 2.720117     1
 1.362829     1
 13.949149    1
-5.217361     1
-6.921628     1
 32.092843    1
 2.612932     1
-0.677450     1
 0.457785     1
 0.113225     1
 1.931964     1
 0.004970     1
-14.057655    1
 3.853811     1
-4.986673     1
 4.644677     1
 1.816524     1
 14.746436    1
-2.272215     1
 22.221876    1
 12.809823    1
 10.657404    1
 9.522550     1
 2.496627     1
 6.463137     1
 4.650028     1
-2.723183     1
-4.874253     1
 8.053709     1
 9.070512     1
 6.465454     1
 14.179735    1
-3.630749     1
 5.897301     1
 0.342169     1
 3.286524     1
 13.611378    1
-9.867934     1
 4.764295     1
 15.872257    1
 12.582741    1
 2.726524     1
 12.589735    1
 4.538283     1
 20.182257    1
 0.340996     1
 5.219823     1
-16.778813    1
-7.483476     1
 10.429837    1
-2.831438     1
 7.033811     1
-2.944253     1
 8.161289     1
 6.572448     1
-7.256584     1
-3.625221     1
 2.604398     1
 6.802741     1
-13.952508    1
 2.830117     1
-3.398432     1
 9.067008     1
 1.358665     1
-7.255221     1
 22.455277    1
-0.678432     1
-10.657068    1
 0.457008     1
 1.592448     1
 8.392448     1
 0.117111     1
 1.246231     1
-2.496482     1
-0.225221     1
 6.918283     1
 8.274779     1
 10.542448    1
 15.764207    1
 4.536627     1
 1.243416     1
 1.363327     1
 1.818181     1
 10.436040    1
-1.925895     1
 1.932155     1
 3.060703     1
 1.929633     1
-1.705221     1
 21.771685    1
-2.272596     1
 1.359149     1
-0.796482     1
 12.475072    1
-7.369883     1
 10.435747    1
-10.319297    1
 8.279149     1
-6.122801     1
 28.912550    1
-3.177068     1
 5.783327     1
-16.780954    1
 8.047697     1
 1.132843     1
 7.262550     1
 12.817111    1
 8.508665     1
 4.989823     1
-1.021717     1
 3.854779     1
-1.815602     1
-3.742992     1
 14.631303    1
 9.980410     1
-0.902992     1
 9.974970     1
 1.589046     1
-1.365323     1
 0.449046     1
 12.591099    1
 11.569251    1
-2.949209     1
-5.666482     1
-4.647068     1
-0.115221     1
 3.859530     1
-12.243080    1
 6.121378     1
 2.835454     1
 8.954486     1
 11.228372    1
-12.469986    1
 12.586040    1
 2.723327     1
 3.398855     1
 1.130410     1
 7.142550     1
 9.414486     1
-2.376482     1
 4.423123     1
 3.859633     1
-30.501922    1
-10.429781    1
 11.224105    1
 3.174970     1
 4.313900     1
 9.864779     1
 6.686627     1
 4.078181     1
 6.799823     1
-1.702406     1
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-9.072889     1
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-10.769693    1
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-2.384928     1
-9.642992     1
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-10.890954    1
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-0.681424     1
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-0.109883     1
-12.357259    1
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-0.791628     1
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-4.191321     1
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-20.075221    1
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-5.667552     1
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-11.221922    1
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-1.922992     1
-7.824928     1
-8.163373     1
-7.367361     1
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-0.454928     1
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-13.490749    1
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-11.340661    1
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-4.879004     1
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-1.931145     1
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-9.301247     1
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-5.557450     1
-4.418622     1
-3.519400     1
-3.633476     1
-1.278138     1
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-13.609883    1
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-0.004355     1
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-0.568622     1
-6.801628     1
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-5.558432     1
-0.224928     1
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-1.472406     1
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-0.797743     1
-7.375602     1
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-3.286584     1
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-30.050074    1
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-22.230470    1
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-8.164546     1
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-0.229781     1
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-7.939986     1
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-4.310470     1
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-3.630954     1
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-9.749986     1
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-2.038916     1
-3.285514     1
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-14.855705    1
-4.650954     1
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-6.808329     1
-20.751731    1
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-3.287068     1
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-1.247068     1
-3.401526     1
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-6.805016     1
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-6.689986     1
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-5.787552     1
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-0.795412     1
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-7.826100     1
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-1.132992     1
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-15.085118    1
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-7.479400     1
-1.478520     1
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-1.700763     1
-10.208227    1
-4.421628     1
-0.795910     1
-2.950954     1
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-9.867068     1
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-8.390265     1
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-5.787655     1
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-17.807743    1
-2.037552     1
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-7.824546     1
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-0.794839     1
-5.674062     1
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-0.912112     1
-6.688711     1
-0.114546     1
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-17.801042    1
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-7.480367     1
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-0.796584     1
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-1.582992     1
-5.325998     1
-8.842699     1
-4.192992     1
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-12.019679    1
-3.400954     1
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-3.288329     1
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-21.095221    1
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-7.366100     1
-21.432992    1
-3.968138     1
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-5.101056     1
-14.515030    1
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-2.384253     1
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-3.406100     1
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-2.494136     1
-2.725323     1
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-1.586877     1
-1.131731     1
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-0.109209     1
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-5.331144     1
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-0.231335     1
-2.263960     1
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-1.928622     1
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-0.564546     1
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-0.680954     1
-8.273183     1
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-5.105412     1
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-14.289883    1
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-7.375132     1
-2.377450     1
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-1.700851     1
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-1.246379     1
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-10.088725    1
-1.364546     1
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-3.746394     1
-13.835616    1
-5.551628     1
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-2.043183     1
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-4.312685     1
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-6.012010     1
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-4.425602     1
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-1.363960     1
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-0.902406     1
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-2.611628     1
-1.583080     1
-1.929972     1
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-4.531922     1
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-1.244723     1
-10.776877    1
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-7.253285     1
-4.993373     1
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-4.191335     1
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-0.911438     1
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-2.040470     1
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-2.151247     1
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-2.491144     1
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-24.269004    1
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-1.929004     1
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-5.552317     1
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-2.724546     1
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-4.532215     1
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-6.690074     1
-16.667157    1
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-3.627068     1
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-4.082992     1
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-25.970558    1
-13.491145    1
-0.223183     1
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-1.360954     1
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-0.003857     1
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-10.777157    1
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-7.256100     1
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-0.227259     1
-2.156482     1
-9.075221     1
-1.361042     1
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-3.742010     1
-1.929106     1
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-10.089209    1
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-9.752992     1
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-2.269195     1
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-4.989400     1
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-1.698622     1
-41.280470    1
-2.040177     1
-1.704928     1
-2.947259     1
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-5.444444     1
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-9.409883     1
-2.946086     1
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-2.607845     1
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-5.778329     1
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-0.682112     1
-9.861247     1
-2.834444     1
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-0.341145     1
-9.414253     1
-2.377640     1
-6.007068     1
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-6.237068     1
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-4.757845     1
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-1.134928     1
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-14.287361    1
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-6.007450     1
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-0.568813     1
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-10.093960    1
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-7.027068     1
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-2.268520     1
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-1.244839     1
-1.809883     1
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-9.075323     1
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-0.002112     1
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-2.608622     1
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-4.989297     1
-5.327171     1
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-7.825998     1
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-1.362992     1
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-3.060367     1
-8.056100     1
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-0.564253     1
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-1.025030     1
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-3.511042     1
-1.250661     1
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-0.563271     1
-3.179883     1
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-2.951628     1
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-0.451717     1
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-10.995132    1
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-6.916775     1
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-1.699004     1
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-3.285221     1
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-6.353476     1
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-10.549400    1
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-3.858329     1
-8.848241     1
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-8.613183     1
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-3.397552     1
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-7.029679     1
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-3.289590     1
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-1.811540     1
-14.510470    1
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-2.833769     1
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-5.896775     1
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-4.079693     1
-7.599590     1
-1.251233     1
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-0.336291     1
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-1.022010     1
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-1.360470     1
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-2.494839     1
-1.135602     1
-2.490558     1
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-8.392406     1
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-0.001438     1
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-3.858711     1
-4.079590     1
-4.647361     1
-2.268124     1
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-1.929590     1
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-5.670074     1
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-6.578520     1
-0.456673     1
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-3.514928     1
-2.152889     1
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-1.478036     1
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-3.745807     1
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-4.648227     1
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-1.932112     1
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-5.780851     1
-3.172596     1
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-2.039400     1
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-6.235030     1
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-1.819004     1
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-3.745221     1
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-3.060558     1
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-0.453769     1
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-0.223271     1
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-10.435221    1
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-2.719679     1
-6.573183     1
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-1.136775     1
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-8.273373     1
-3.062508     1
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-0.229004     1
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-5.441321     1
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-1.242699     1
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-2.717845     1
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-0.116966     1
-10.089795    1
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-0.452024     1
-5.672992     1
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-8.393183     1
-9.071922     1
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-14.284444    1
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-0.343285     1
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-11.338036    1
-1.475030     1
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-14.515323    1
-5.438138     1
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-3.401438     1
-0.229297     1
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-0.566394     1
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-3.064839     1
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-1.704253     1
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-14.398813    1
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-10.208520    1
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-4.536775     1
-16.673769    1
-18.940954    1
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-3.738520     1
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 3.968856     1
-23.477640    1
 0.905263     1
-12.243857    1
-1.701233     1
 0.566817     1
 9.522360     1
-4.421540     1
 5.444486     1
-0.116100     1
 2.604970     1
 3.628474     1
 14.511773    1
 2.722639     1
-5.211335     1
 4.085938     1
 0.230600     1
 2.040410     1
 10.655747    1
-8.613373     1
 2.607888     1
 7.484779     1
-3.965616     1
 19.732155    1
-2.950470     1
 6.232448     1
 14.969149    1
 1.477199     1
-0.000661     1
 4.425747     1
-4.767068     1
-3.965221     1
 0.798181     1
 0.117785     1
 3.062741     1
 2.610894     1
-1.359106     1
 18.486436    1
 26.305175    1
 0.231480     1
 5.329633     1
 2.491378     1
 34.017799    1
 2.718856     1
 7.368767     1
 13.044588    1
-9.638036     1
 0.223416     1
-3.968329     1
 16.671964    1
 0.116715     1
-1.246863     1
 6.462257     1
 8.732843     1
 1.016333     1
-0.789106     1
 2.839251     1
 1.930512     1
 6.008856     1
 0.342257     1
 5.667785     1
 6.460996     1
 15.310512    1
-3.065030     1
 5.783518     1
 7.596817     1
-14.519297    1
-4.653183     1
-6.574355     1
 12.023225    1
 6.240117     1
-0.225412     1
-1.819195     1
 0.792741     1
 6.348855     1
 4.537594     1
 11.116729    1
 4.762550     1
 12.359060    1
 6.350410     1
 4.311964     1
-2.383373     1
 0.797008     1
-4.649693     1
 4.648855     1
 5.444588     1
-7.252992     1
-1.704546     1
 9.183225     1
 1.701862     1
-2.834253     1
 4.080600     1
 2.831876     1
 5.105454     1
 3.397888     1
 9.411964     1
-7.034151     1
 1.478269     1
 2.263034     1
-29.025793    1
 3.741187     1
-5.438725     1
 7.143518     1
 16.898474    1
 1.699823     1
 9.861187     1
-1.475514     1
 6.914016     1
 12.136040    1
-2.722508     1
 1.130996     1
 1.024779     1
 1.930117     1
-7.253476     1
-4.762303     1
-5.669106     1
 10.994779    1
 5.555263     1
 6.688855     1
 2.265072     1
-3.063094     1
-0.909004     1
-3.065132     1
 3.510894     1
-2.605221     1
 6.354588     1
 0.570894     1
 0.452257     1
 3.853518     1
 1.813811     1
-1.249297     1
 22.910321    1
 0.681187     1
-1.924151     1
-15.308916    1
 2.604295     1
-6.572992     1
-15.192201    1
-3.969883     1
 4.654002     1
-8.047845     1
 5.325454     1
 2.950014     1
-0.905221     1
 2.495938     1
 6.119251     1
 4.080703     1
 4.085366     1
-19.734620    1
 5.673811     1
 7.714588     1
 1.925454     1
 8.621378     1
-1.926482     1
 6.578474     1
-3.629297     1
-4.871335     1
 8.047404     1
 4.874779     1
 8.052741     1
 7.594779     1
 2.151084     1
 12.925072    1
-8.505221     1
-11.000954    1
-15.192303    1
-7.713476     1
 2.495366     1
-0.458329     1
-6.694737     1
 4.765747     1
 6.467785     1
 0.337594     1
 8.620894     1
 10.434295    1
 15.765570    1
 2.044486     1
-3.971922     1
-0.908916     1
 32.774603    1
 4.653709     1
 3.291378     1
 0.455263     1
 8.280410     1
 10.318958    1
-3.062992     1
 10.087990    1
 7.374779     1
 2.495175     1
 13.270117    1
-1.927655     1
-0.002508     1
 3.406920     1
 7.256817     1
 6.806920     1
 18.485072    1
-0.798227     1
-1.131628     1
-0.223667     1
 1.582639     1
-1.358036     1
-1.703667     1
-0.904737     1
 5.326627     1
 19.391303    1
 7.829149     1
-0.683769     1
-1.925323     1
 5.218372     1
-3.510763     1
-5.896379     1
-3.293373     1
 2.380028     1
-7.821247     1
 6.575072     1
 0.002639     1
-4.992215     1
 3.855747     1
-8.048520     1
-0.225030     1
-2.151922     1
 3.744105     1
-3.740763     1
-0.448916     1
 3.971582     1
-4.425132     1
-0.682406     1
 8.279544     1
-12.585807    1
-2.718622     1
 6.236524     1
 14.738870    1
-7.598227     1
-0.906775     1
 3.856333     1
 5.216920     1
-1.244048     1
 1.584486     1
 3.624970     1
 10.996054    1
 10.202448    1
-9.415030     1
 3.623900     1
-3.626100     1
 3.969339     1
 3.742448     1
 6.119149     1
 8.051671     1
 3.284398     1
 1.246333     1
 2.264779     1
 6.695175     1
 4.535454     1
 7.706729     1
 0.452345     1
 5.329149     1
-2.386291     1
 10.201378    1
-3.631922     1
 0.453709     1
Name: wt82_71, dtype: int64
Y = data['wt82_71']
  • The confounding variables (X) (variables that influence both the independent variables and dependent variable causing spurious correlations) will be:
cf = ["active",          # Measure of daily activity on 1971.
      "age",             # Age in 1971.
      "education",       # Amount of education in 1971: from 8th-grade to college level education.
      "exercise",        # Measure of recreational excercise.
      "race",            # Caucasian or not.
      "sex",             # Female or male.
      "smokeintensity",  # Number of Cigarettes smoked per day in 1971.  
      "smokeyrs",        # Years of smoking.
      "wt71"             # Weight in Kilograms in 1971.
X = data[cf]
(1566, 9)
active age education exercise race sex smokeintensity smokeyrs wt71
0 0 42 1 2 1 0 30 29 79.04
1 0 36 2 0 0 0 20 24 58.63
2 0 56 2 2 1 1 20 26 56.81
3 1 68 1 2 1 0 3 53 59.42
4 1 40 2 1 0 0 20 19 87.09
1    715
0    702
2    149
Name: active, dtype: int64
1    661
2    605
0    300
Name: exercise, dtype: int64
3    637
2    340
1    291
5    177
4    121
Name: education, dtype: int64
  • Distribution of the outcome in relation to the control and treatment groups

We have a very imbalanced dataset with 1163 samples for the control group and 403 samples for the treatment group

sns.kdeplot(data.loc[lambda df: df.qsmk==0].wt82_71, label='control')
sns.kdeplot(data.loc[lambda df: df.qsmk==1].wt82_71, label='treatment')
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fc733125470>
sns.distplot(data[data.qsmk==1]['wt82_71'], bins=20)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f1c2f6a7f60>
sns.distplot(data[data.qsmk==0]['wt82_71'], bins=20)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f1c2f6b44a8>
data.groupby('qsmk')['wt82_71'].plot(kind='hist', bins=20, alpha=0.8, legend=True)
0    AxesSubplot(0.125,0.125;0.775x0.755)
1    AxesSubplot(0.125,0.125;0.775x0.755)
Name: wt82_71, dtype: object
data.groupby('qsmk')['wt82_71'].agg(['mean', 'median'])
mean median
0 1.984498 2.151084
1 4.525079 3.971582

The mean weight gain value for the treatment group is greater than the mean value for the control group. Could we think that the treatment had a postive impact (more weight for subjects who quit smoking)? We have to remember that the dataset is imbalanced.

  • Distribution of several covariates in relation to the control and treatment groups
data.groupby('qsmk')['age'].plot(kind='hist', bins=20, alpha=0.8, legend=True)
0    AxesSubplot(0.125,0.125;0.775x0.755)
1    AxesSubplot(0.125,0.125;0.775x0.755)
Name: age, dtype: object
data.groupby('qsmk')['education'].plot(kind='hist', bins=20, alpha=0.8, legend=True)
0    AxesSubplot(0.125,0.125;0.775x0.755)
1    AxesSubplot(0.125,0.125;0.775x0.755)
Name: education, dtype: object
data.groupby('qsmk')['active'].plot(kind='hist', bins=20, alpha=0.5, legend=True)
0    AxesSubplot(0.125,0.125;0.775x0.755)
1    AxesSubplot(0.125,0.125;0.775x0.755)
Name: active, dtype: object
data.groupby('qsmk')['exercise'].plot(kind='hist', bins=20, alpha=0.5, legend=True)
0    AxesSubplot(0.125,0.125;0.775x0.755)
1    AxesSubplot(0.125,0.125;0.775x0.755)
Name: exercise, dtype: object

Causal Inference Analysis

Potential Outcomes

Y = Y(0) when A = 0

Y = Y(1) when A = 1


We want to estimate the ATE so the real ATE measured in a Randomized Controlled Trial (interventional distribution) can be defined as:

Δreal = E[Y(1) - Y(0)]

But if we want to compute it from observational data:

Δobs = E[Y|A=1] - E[Y|A=0] = E[Y(1)|A=1] - E[Y(0)|A=0] <> Δreal


E[Y(i)|X=i] <> E[Y(i)].


Ignorability assumption: The treatment (A) received by a sample is totally explained by the random variable(s) X and the output is independent from the treatment assignment A.

Y(0), Y(1) ⊥ A|X

P(A,Y(0),Y(1)|X) = P(A|X)*P(Y(0),Y(1)|X)

The treatment is assumed to be unconfounded in the sense that the dependence between the treatment assignment and the outcomes is only through something we observe, namely the covariates X.

ATE using Linear Model

We're going to assume that:

Y(0) = α+βX+ϵ

where ϵ (residual) represents the noise (Y(0) doesn't have the treatment variable A) and

Y(1) = Y(0)+γA

So we can estimate the ATE as:

Y = α+βX+γA

model = CausalModel(Y=data.wt82_71.values, D=data.qsmk.values, X=X.values)

The parameter adj indicates how covariate adjustments are to be performed. Set adj = 0 to not include any covariates. Set adj = 1 to include treatment indicator D and covariates X separately. Set adj = 2 to additionally include interaction terms between D and X. Defaults to 2.

/home/eldar/.conda/envs/causal/lib/python3.6/site-packages/causalinference/estimators/ols.py:21: FutureWarning: `rcond` parameter will change to the default of machine precision times ``max(M, N)`` where M and N are the input matrix dimensions.
To use the future default and silence this warning we advise to pass `rcond=None`, to keep using the old, explicitly pass `rcond=-1`.
  olscoef = np.linalg.lstsq(Z, Y)[0]
Treatment Effect Estimates: OLS

                     Est.       S.e.          z      P>|z|      [95% Conf. int.]
           ATE      3.349      0.473      7.084      0.000      2.422      4.275

The estimated ATE is 3.349 (postive weight gain in relation to the treatment of giving up smoking). If our model decribes accurately the confounders X, we got a 95% confidence interval (If we repeat 100 times the experiment, the predicted ATE would be inside of that interval in 95 times. But the real ATE could be outside of that interval).

95 % Confidence Interval = AVG ± 1.96 * np.sqrt(data[data[A]==1].wt82_71.var()/data[data.[A]==1].shape[0] + data[data[A]==0].wt82_71.var()/data[data[A]==0].shape[0])

ATE via Matching

For each sample we're going to take the most similar one from the other ttreatment group (control) and we're going to estimate the ATE using them. To decide what's the meaning of the most similar one we're going to choose the Nearest neighbourg from the X covariate space, weighting the distances using the inverse of the variance of each covariate.

model = CausalModel(Y=data.wt82_71.values, D=data.qsmk.values, X=X.values)
Treatment Effect Estimates: Matching

                     Est.       S.e.          z      P>|z|      [95% Conf. int.]
           ATE      3.612      0.760      4.751      0.000      2.122      5.102
           ATC      3.643      0.829      4.395      0.000      2.018      5.268
           ATT      3.523      0.860      4.096      0.000      1.837      5.208

ATC (Average Treatment Effect of the Control) = E[Y(1) - Y(0)|X=0]

ATT (Average Treatment Effect of the Treated) = E[Y(1) - Y(0)|X=1]

The parameter matches stands for the number of matches to use for each subject and the parameter bias_adj indicates whether bias adjustements should be attempted. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK424728/)

model.est_via_matching(weights='inv', matches=2)
Treatment Effect Estimates: Matching

                     Est.       S.e.          z      P>|z|      [95% Conf. int.]
           ATE      3.499      0.634      5.519      0.000      2.256      4.741
           ATC      3.567      0.681      5.240      0.000      2.233      4.902
           ATT      3.301      0.668      4.941      0.000      1.991      4.610

model.est_via_matching(weights='inv', matches=2, bias_adj=True)
/home/eldar/.conda/envs/causal/lib/python3.6/site-packages/causalinference/estimators/matching.py:100: FutureWarning: `rcond` parameter will change to the default of machine precision times ``max(M, N)`` where M and N are the input matrix dimensions.
To use the future default and silence this warning we advise to pass `rcond=None`, to keep using the old, explicitly pass `rcond=-1`.
  return np.linalg.lstsq(X, Y)[0][1:]  # don't need intercept coef
Treatment Effect Estimates: Matching

                     Est.       S.e.          z      P>|z|      [95% Conf. int.]
           ATE      3.686      0.633      5.822      0.000      2.445      4.927
           ATC      3.654      0.680      5.372      0.000      2.321      4.987
           ATT      3.781      0.666      5.676      0.000      2.475      5.086


e(X) = P(A|X)

ATE via Inverse Propensity Score Weighting Estimator

We want to know the value of the Potential Outcomes E[Y(i)] but using observational data we can only have access to E[Y(i)| X=i].

The probability of the Potential Outcomes can be defined as:

P(Y(i)) = P(Y(i)|X=i)P(X=i)

So we could think that we could compute:

$$E(Y(i)) = E[\frac{yi}{P(A|X)}

If we multiply each sample times its inverse propensity score we could compute the Potential Outcomes.

Inverse Propensity Score Weighting Estimator

$$ΔIPSW = 1/N * (\sum_{i=Treatment} \frac{yi}{e(Xi)} - \sum_{i=Control} \frac{yi}{1-e(Xi)})$$

model = CausalModel(Y=data.wt82_71.values, D=data.qsmk.values, X=X.values)

The est_propensity_s() method applies a Logistic Regression over the covariates.

propensity = model.propensity['fitted']
df = data
df['ips'] = np.where(df.qsmk == 1, 1/propensity, 1/(1-propensity))
df['ipsw'] = df.wt82_71 * df['ips']
ipswe = (df[df.qsmk==1]['ipsw'].sum() - df[df.qsmk==0]['ipsw'].sum())/df.shape[0]
print('The estimated ATE computed using IPSWE is: ' + str(ipswe))
The estimated ATE computed using IPSWE is: 3.555669650974593

Overlap of Treatment and Control Groups in the Covariates Space

model = CausalModel(Y=data.wt82_71.values, D=data.qsmk.values, X=X.values)
Summary Statistics

                      Controls (N_c=1163)         Treated (N_t=403)             
       Variable         Mean         S.d.         Mean         S.d.     Raw-diff
              Y        1.984        7.449        4.525        8.748        2.541

                      Controls (N_c=1163)         Treated (N_t=403)             
       Variable         Mean         S.d.         Mean         S.d.     Nor-diff
             X0        0.632        0.642        0.690        0.662        0.089
             X1       42.788       11.792       46.174       12.215        0.282
             X2        2.687        1.153        2.794        1.279        0.088
             X3        1.175        0.743        1.251        0.708        0.104
             X4        0.146        0.353        0.089        0.286       -0.177
             X5        0.534        0.499        0.454        0.499       -0.160
             X6       21.192       11.476       18.603       12.402       -0.217
             X7       24.088       11.708       26.032       12.743        0.159
             X8       70.303       15.176       72.355       15.629        0.133

Large values indicate that simple linear adjustment methods may not be adequate for removing biases that are associated with differences in covariates.

ATE via Doubly Robust Weighted Estimator

We're going to estimate the ATE computing a weighted Linear Regression, weighting each sample using the inverse propensity score.

model = CausalModel(Y=data.wt82_71.values, D=data.qsmk.values, X=X.values)
/home/eldar/.conda/envs/causal/lib/python3.6/site-packages/causalinference/estimators/weighting.py:23: FutureWarning: `rcond` parameter will change to the default of machine precision times ``max(M, N)`` where M and N are the input matrix dimensions.
To use the future default and silence this warning we advise to pass `rcond=None`, to keep using the old, explicitly pass `rcond=-1`.
  wlscoef = np.linalg.lstsq(Z_w, Y_w)[0]
Treatment Effect Estimates: Weighting

                     Est.       S.e.          z      P>|z|      [95% Conf. int.]
           ATE      3.877      0.482      8.036      0.000      2.932      4.823

ATE via Trimming

The trim_s() method is going to remove samples whose estimated propensity score <= cutoff or >= (1 - cutoff).

model = CausalModel(Y=data.wt82_71.values, D=data.qsmk.values, X=X.values)
Treatment Effect Estimates: Matching

                     Est.       S.e.          z      P>|z|      [95% Conf. int.]
           ATE      3.689      0.768      4.801      0.000      2.183      5.194
           ATC      3.817      0.833      4.582      0.000      2.184      5.449
           ATT      3.342      0.880      3.797      0.000      1.617      5.067

propensity = model.propensity['fitted']
cutoff = model.cutoff
[0.09731427 0.14588255 0.14901795 ... 0.12258264 0.46821307 0.15911705]
mask = (propensity > cutoff) & (propensity < 1 - cutoff)
data[mask].plot.scatter(x='active', y='wt82_71', c='qsmk', cmap='rainbow', colorbar=True)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f1c2efdb278>

ATE via Stratification

If we don't have a prior knowledge about what 'similar samples' could be, we can group these samples inside clusters of similar propensity scores. After that, we can compute the ATE of each cluster of subjects.

model = CausalModel(Y=data.wt82_71.values, D=data.qsmk.values, X=X.values)
Stratification Summary

              Propensity Score         Sample Size     Ave. Propensity   Outcome
   Stratum      Min.      Max.  Controls   Treated  Controls   Treated  Raw-diff
         1     0.033     0.127       179        18     0.093     0.096     2.147
         2     0.127     0.172       167        29     0.149     0.152     4.979
         3     0.172     0.243       302        89     0.209     0.212     3.742
         4     0.243     0.281       152        44     0.261     0.263     6.632
         5     0.281     0.332       130        65     0.303     0.303     1.482
         6     0.332     0.393       126        70     0.361     0.361     3.631
         7     0.393     0.450        65        33     0.417     0.418     2.358
         8     0.450     0.508        28        21     0.473     0.480     3.195
         9     0.509     0.865        14        34     0.579     0.590     1.466

We can compute the overall ATE from the different strata using the est_via_blocking method. To achive that, this function estimates average treatment effects using regression within blocks.

/home/eldar/.conda/envs/causal/lib/python3.6/site-packages/causalinference/estimators/ols.py:21: FutureWarning: `rcond` parameter will change to the default of machine precision times ``max(M, N)`` where M and N are the input matrix dimensions.
To use the future default and silence this warning we advise to pass `rcond=None`, to keep using the old, explicitly pass `rcond=-1`.
  olscoef = np.linalg.lstsq(Z, Y)[0]
Treatment Effect Estimates: Blocking

                     Est.       S.e.          z      P>|z|      [95% Conf. int.]
           ATE      3.625      0.482      7.515      0.000      2.680      4.571
           ATC      3.667      0.511      7.177      0.000      2.666      4.668
           ATT      3.505      0.466      7.517      0.000      2.591      4.418